Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Untitled from HYUN JU KIM on Vimeo.

Program Diagram

Program Analysis

Process of Program Development

Circulation Diagram

Building and Program

Diagram for Avata and Users Identity

Application Diagram for Didital Jazz Museum

Building Mass

Site and New Building

Sectional Diagram

Top View

Tradition and New Desire as Form

Site and Context of 125th Street

Option for Changing Interior Space

Changing Inside of Void by Users

Interface for Avata and Digital Jazz Museum

Projecting Avata for Users Identity

Skin Option for Void Space

Interior Space for Listen to Music

Interface Option B

Option for Changing Void Space Skin

Information and Media Interactions

Interface for Music and Artists



Outnet AR Demo

Outnet AR Demo from Adham ElGhatit on Vimeo.

View from 10th Av and 40th Street

42nd Street Approach from the East

Application Scenario

Outnet AR Main Interface Elements

Outnet AR Application Network

Social Park + Outnet AR

Social Park Interior

Atrium + Outnet AR

Entrance Atrium Interior

Augmented Experiences

Public Circulation


Formulation of Building Elements

My App Diagram

App Logic

App Interface

App Diagram from Ximing Liu on Vimeo.

Display Surface