Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Design Thesis

with the proliferation of new media social interactions as the new normal for the digital virtual age, the bricks and morter for the O.P.E.N. network and application will utilitize google and facebook as a model to unify the local differences along Canal Street in order to reinforce the physical public space as a space for interaction.

with the spatial form of the secondary nodes being drawn by abstracting the local typologies, the primary hub becomes a facilitator for the secondary nodes essentially allowing for greater degree interactiong in the form of a communicative forum.

  • the mobile phone applications acts as a application program interface to various user open source networks to mobilize the users specific network identity through various media.

  • the network appropriates physical space in the secondary hub as open source for viewing the virtual identity which starts the conversation,

  • the primary hub acts as a facilitator for further discussion at different scales.

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